Source code for maxima

import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# from scipy.special import gamma as gafun
# from scipy.stats import norm
# import scipy.integrate as integrate
import os
# import warnings
import subprocess
import pandas as pd
# import as ma

#def findmaxima
def _readmax_forhotspot(file,folder=''):
    '''Read the output file generated by hotspot'''
    toreturn=pd.DataFrame(data=np.array(data),columns=['Pixel number','Intensity'])
    toreturn['Pixel number']=toreturn['Pixel number'].astype('int')

[docs]def hotspot(mapp, minima=False, folder=None, name='Map', hotspot_command='hotspot'): '''Find the maxima (or minima) in a map. Notes ---- This function use the Healpix utility ``hotspot``, which is not yet implemented in Python distribution of Healpix. The utility ``healpix`` is called on a terminal and it writes files on the hard drive. This function deletes these files after the are read by Python unless a specific folder is given as an input. This function requires ``healpix`` to be installed on the computer for now, although this is expected to change soon. The utility has several limitations regarding the intensity of the maxima. It only stores 4 digits before the period and 6 digits after it. It is highly recommended to normalise the map before using this function. For extreme cases, outliers have to be removed before applying the function, for example with:: >>> mapp[mapp>9999]=9999 Parameters ---------- mapp : np.ndarray A Healpy map of the sky. minima : bool, optional If ``True``, this function return the minima instead of the maxima. We remind the user that the rest of the functions are designed for set of maxima. If minima are to be used, we recommend changing the sign of the minima so the can be regarded as maxima of the **opposite** map. folder : str, optional Use only if the files generated by ``hotspot`` are to be stored. This argument indicates where. name : str, optional The name of the map to use in the written files. Unnecesary unless ``folder`` is given. hotspot_command : str, optional The name of the command installed on the computer, usually 'hotspot' or 'hotspot_gcc'. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with two columns: 'Pixel number' denotes the number of the pixel where the maximum is detected (depends on the ``nside`` of ``mapp``); 'Intensity' denotes the value of this maxima in the input map ''' rem=False if folder is None: rem=True folder=os.getcwd() if folder[-1] != '/': folder=folder+'/' hp.write_map(folder+name+'.fits',mapp); hotspotfile= open(f'{folder}{name}.par','w') hotspotfile.writelines([f'infile={folder}{name}.fits \n', f'extrema_outfile = {folder}pixlminmax_{name}.fits \n', f'maxima_outfile = {folder}maxima_{name}.dat \n', f'minima_outfile = {folder}minima_{name}.dat']) hotspotfile.close()[f'{hotspot_command} {folder}{name}.par > /dev/null'],check=True,shell=True) # !hotspot {name}.par > /dev/null if minima != True: toreturn=_readmax_forhotspot(f'{folder}maxima_{name}.dat') #maxima else: toreturn=_readmax_forhotspot(f'{folder}minima_{name}.dat') #minima if rem: #This is True is there is not an input folder os.remove(f'{name}.fits') os.remove(f'{name}.par') os.remove(f'maxima_{name}.dat') os.remove(f'pixlminmax_{name}.fits') os.remove(f'minima_{name}.dat') return(toreturn)
[docs]def locate_maxima(maxima,nside,lonlat=True): '''Find the location of the input maxima. Parameters ---------- maxima : pd.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with the information of the maxima. Has to contain at least the column 'Pixel number'. nside : int An integer corresponding to the ``nside`` of the map where the maxima where detected. It needs to be a power of 2. lonlat : bool, optional If ``True``, the functions returns the longitude and latitude, in degrees. If ``False``, the function returns colatitude and longitude, in radians. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The same Pandas DataFrame as the input ``maxima``, with two new columns denoting the position of each maxima on the sky. ''' if lonlat==False: [name1,name2]=['Colatitude [rad]','Longitude [rad]'] elif lonlat==True: [name1,name2]=['Longitude [deg]', 'Latitude[deg]'] maxima[name1],maxima[name2]=hp.pix2ang(nside,maxima['Pixel number'],lonlat=lonlat) return(maxima)
[docs]def max_inmask(maxima,mask,withvalue=1.): '''Get the maxima located where the mask have a specific value (e.g., 1) Parameters ---------- maxima : pd.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with the information of the maxima. Has to contain at least the column 'Pixel number'. mask : np.ndarray A Healpix map to be used as mask. **Its ``nside`` should be the same as the original map.** withvalue : float, optional Value to be matched. Only maxima that have this value on the ``mask`` will be returned. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The same Pandas DataFrame as the input ``maxima``, but containing only the maxima located at points where the ``mask`` has the value ``withvalue`` (1 by default). ''' filtered_maxima=maxima.loc[(mask[maxima['Pixel number']]==withvalue)] return(filtered_maxima)
[docs]def max_threshold(maxima,threshold): '''Get the maxima with intensity above or equal to a threshold Parameters ---------- maxima : pd.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with the information of the maxima. Has to contain at least the column 'Intensity'. threshold : float Minimum value of the maxima to be returned. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The same Pandas DataFrame as the input ``maxima``, but containing only the maxima with an intensity equal or greater than ``threshold``. ''' return(maxima[maxima['Intensity']>=threshold])
[docs]def plot_maxima(maxima,f=None,bins=50): '''Visualise the maxima distribution and compare it with a theoretical one. Parameters ---------- maxima : pd.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with the information of the maxima. Has to contain at least the column 'Intensity'. f : function or None, optional Theoretical distribution of the maxima, f. bins : int, optional Number of bins for the histogram of the maxima Returns ------- matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure containing the histogram of the maxima intensity and, if included, the expected distribution from ``f``. ''' fig=plt.figure() num,xbins,_=plt.hist(maxima['Intensity'],bins=bins,density=1,label='Maxima distribution of the map') if f is not None: xvec=np.linspace(xbins[0],xbins[-1],num=bins*4) plt.plot(xvec,f(xvec),label='Expected distribution') plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() ax=plt.gca() return(fig,ax)