Source code for needlets

import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.integrate as integrate

[docs]def plot_bl(bl,newfigure=True,label=None): '''Plot the needlet filter b(l) in multipole space. Parameters ---------- bl : np.ndarray A numpy array containing the values of a needlet filter b(l), starting with l=0. It can also be an array containing several needlet filters. newfigure : bool, optional If ``True``, the image will be created in a new Figure. label : str or list of strings, optional Label to show in the legend of the figure. Returns ------- matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure containing the plot. ''' if newfigure: fig=plt.figure() else: fig=plt.gcf() ax=plt.gca() if bl.ndim ==1: bl=np.array(bl,ndmin=2) label=[label] if label is None: label=[None]*bl.shape[0] for ii in np.arange(bl.shape[0]): ax.plot(np.arange(len(bl[ii])),bl[ii], label=label[ii]) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\ell$', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel(r'$b(\ell)$', fontsize=14) if label[0] is not None: plt.legend() return(fig)
[docs]def plot_blprofile(bl,newfigure=False,unit='min',label=None,**kwargs): '''Plot the profile of the needlet in pixel space. Plot the value of the needlet as a function of the angular distance between a given point and the center of the needlet Parameters ---------- bl : np.ndarray A numpy array containing the values of a needlet filter b(l), starting with l=0. newfigure : bool, optional If ``True``, the image will be created in a new Figure. unit : str, optional The unit is one of the following: ``'min'`` for arcminutes (default), ``'sec'`` for arcseconds, ``'deg'`` for degrees or ``'rad'`` for radians label : str, optional Label to show in the legend of the figure. **kwargs : optional Any additional argument will be passed to matplotlib.plot Returns ------- matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure containing the plot. ''' if newfigure: fig=plt.figure() else: fig=plt.gcf() if bl.ndim ==1: bl=np.array(bl,ndmin=2) label=[label] if label is None: label=[None]*bl.shape[0] ls=np.arange(bl.shape[1]) for ii in np.arange(bl.shape[0]): leg=np.polynomial.legendre.Legendre(bl[ii]*(ls*2.+1.)/(4.*np.pi)) x_prev=np.arange(-180.*60.,180.*60.) y_prev=leg(np.cos(np.deg2rad(x_prev/60.))) limit=np.min((x_prev[np.argwhere(np.abs(y_prev/leg(1))>0.001)][-1,0]*1.5,180.*60.)) x=np.linspace(-limit,limit,300)/60. if unit=='min': plt.plot(x*60.,leg(np.cos(np.deg2rad(x))),label=label[ii],**kwargs) elif unit=='deg': plt.plot(x,leg(np.cos(np.deg2rad(x))),label=label[ii],**kwargs) elif unit=='sec': plt.plot(x*3600.,leg(np.cos(np.deg2rad(x))),label=label[ii],**kwargs) elif unit=='rad': plt.plot(np.deg2rad(x),leg(np.cos(np.deg2rad(x))),label=label[ii],**kwargs) if unit=='min': plt.xlabel(r"$\alpha (x,\xi )$ [min]", fontsize=14) elif unit=='deg': plt.xlabel(r"$\alpha (x,\xi )$ [deg]", fontsize=14) elif unit=='sec': plt.xlabel(r"$\alpha (x,\xi )$ [sec]", fontsize=14) elif unit=='rad': plt.xlabel(r"$\alpha (x,\xi )$ [rad]", fontsize=14) else: raise ValueError('"unit" not recognised, valid units are "min", "deg", "sec" and "rad".') plt.ylabel(r'$\Psi_j\,(\langle x,\xi \rangle)$', fontsize=14) if label[0] is not None: plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() return(fig)
def __f_need(t): '''Auxiliar function f to define the standard needlet''' if t <= -1.: return(0.) elif t >= 1.: return(0.) else: return(np.exp(1./(t**2.-1.))) def __psi(u): '''Auxiliar function psi to define the standard needlet''' return(integrate.quad(__f_need,-1,u)[0]/integrate.quad(__f_need,-1,1)[0]) def __phi(q,B): '''Auxiliar function phi to define the standard needlet''' B=float(B) if q < 0.: raise ValueError('The multipole should be a non-negative value') elif q <= 1./B: return(1.) elif q >= 1.: return(0) else: return(__psi(1.-(2.*B/(B-1.)*(q-1./B)))) def __b2_need(xi,B): '''Auxiliar function b^2 to define the standard needlet''' b2=__phi(xi/B,B)-__phi(xi,B) return(np.max([0.,b2])) ## np.max in order to avoid negative roots due to precision errors
[docs]def standardneedlet(B,j,lmax): '''Return the needlet filter b(l) for a standard needlet with parameters ``B`` and ``j``. Parameters ---------- B : float The parameter B of the needlet, should be larger that 1. j : int or np.ndarray The frequency j of the needlet. Can be an array with the values of ``j`` to be calculated. lmax : int The maximum value of the multipole l for which the filter will be calculated (included). Returns ------- np.ndarray A numpy array containing the values of a needlet filter b(l), starting with l=0. If ``j`` is an array, it returns an array containing the filters for each frequency. Note ---- Standard needlets are always normalised by construction: the sum (in frequencies ``j``) of the squares of the filters will be 1 for all multipole ell. ''' ls=np.arange(lmax+1) j=np.array(j,ndmin=1) needs=[] bl2=np.vectorize(__b2_need) for jj in j: xi=(ls/B**jj) bl=np.sqrt(bl2(xi,B)) needs.append(bl) return(np.squeeze(needs))
[docs]def mexicanneedlet(B,j,lmax,p=1,normalised=True): '''Return the needlet filter b(l) for a Mexican needlet with parameters ``B`` and ``j``. Parameters ---------- B : float The parameter B of the needlet, should be larger that 1. j : int or np.ndarray The frequency j of the needlet. Can be an array with the values of ``j`` to be calculated. lmax : int The maximum value of the multipole l for which the filter will be calculated (included). p : int Order of the Mexican needlet. normalised : bool, optional If ``True``, the sum (in frequencies ``j``) of the squares of the filters will be 1 for all multipole ell. Returns ------- np.ndarray A numpy array containing the values of a needlet filter b(l), starting with l=0. If ``j`` is an array, it returns an array containing the filters for each frequency. ''' ls=np.arange(lmax+1) j=np.array(j,ndmin=1) needs=[] if normalised != True: for jj in j: # u=(ls/B**jj) # bl=u**(2.*p)*np.exp(-u**2.) u=((ls*(ls+1)/B**(2.*jj))) bl=(u**p)*np.exp(-u) needs.append(bl) else: K=np.zeros(lmax+1) jmax=np.max((np.log(5.*lmax)/np.log(B),np.max(j))) for jj in np.arange(1,jmax+1): # u=(ls/B**jj) This is an almost identical definition # bl=u**2.*np.exp(-u**2.) u=((ls*(ls+1)/B**(2.*jj))) bl=(u**p)*np.exp(-u) K=K+bl**2. if np.isin(jj,j): needs.append(bl) needs=needs/np.sqrt(np.mean(K[int(lmax/3):int(2*lmax/3)])) return(np.squeeze(needs))
[docs]def filtermap_fromalm(alm,bl,nside,returnalm=False): '''Filter the map (given by its alm) with an input needlet. Parameters ---------- alm : np.ndarray The alm of a Healpy map of the sky, as given by hp.map2alm() bl : np.ndarray A numpy array containing the values of a needlet filter b(l), starting with l=0. nside : int The ``nside`` of the input map. The output map will also have this ``nside``. returnalm : bool, optional If ``True``, the function will also return the ``alm`` for the *filtered* map. Returns ------- np.ndarray or [np.ndarray,np.ndarray] If ``returnalm=False``, filtered map in the Healpix format. If ``returnalm=True``, a list with the filtered map and its corresponding ``alm``. ''' filtered_alm=hp.almxfl(alm,bl)/(np.sqrt(12)*nside) betas=hp.alm2map(filtered_alm,nside,verbose=False); if returnalm == True: return([betas,filtered_alm]) else: return(betas)
[docs]def filtermap(mapp,bl,returnalm=False): '''Filter the map with an input needlet. Parameters ---------- mapp : np.ndarray A Healpy map of the sky. bl : np.ndarray A numpy array containing the values of a needlet filter b(l), starting with l=0. returnalm : bool, optional If ``True``, the function will also return the ``alm`` for the *filtered* map. Returns ------- np.ndarray or [np.ndarray,np.ndarray] If ``returnalm=False``, filtered map in the Healpix format. If ``returnalm=True``, a list with the filtered map and its corresponding ``alm``. ''' alm=hp.map2alm(mapp) nside=hp.get_nside(mapp) return(filtermap_fromalm(alm,bl,nside,returnalm=returnalm))