Source code for tools

import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# from scipy.special import gamma as gafun
# from scipy.stats import norm
# import scipy.integrate as integrate
# import os
import warnings
# import subprocess
import pandas as pd
# import as ma

# try:
#     import camb
#     usecamb=True
# except ModuleNotFoundError:
#     print('Module "camb" not found, please input the Cl you want to use')
#     usecamb=False

def _set_text(fig,text,hh,**kwargs):
    '''Auxiliar function to print text in an image'''
    fig.text(0.05, 1-hh, text,
        verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left',
        transform=fig.transFigure, fontsize=15, **kwargs)
[docs]def maximum_info(maxima,n,mapp,nmax=None): '''Show a plot with a maximum and some information about it. Utility function to easily view the basic propierties of a specific maximum. Parameters ---------- maxima : pd.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with the information of the maxima. Has to contain at least the columns 'Pixel number' and 'Intensity'. If it contains 'pvalue', it will use it. Otherwise, the p-value will be set to ``np.nan``. n : int Row of the ``maxima`` with the information of the maximum to be shown. mapp : np.ndarray Healpix map to be shown in the image. nmax : int or None, optional Total number of maxima detected in the map. If ``None`` is introduced, it uses the length of the ``maxima`` table. Since this can affect the results (if ``maxima`` does not contain all the maxima), the lines affected are colored grey and the function raises a warning. Returns ------- matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure containing the information about the maximum. ''' pixn=maxima['Pixel number'].iloc[n] intensity=maxima['Intensity'].iloc[n] try: pval=maxima['pvalue'].iloc[n] except KeyError: pval=np.nan nrows=1 nside=hp.get_nside(mapp) (lon,lat)=hp.pix2ang(ipix=pixn,nside=nside,lonlat=True) fig,axs=plt.subplots(nrows,3, figsize=(15,6*nrows),squeeze=False) for ax in axs.flatten(): ax.axis('off') _set_text(fig,f"Pixel number: {pixn}",0.1/nrows) _set_text(fig,f"Intensity: {intensity:.2f}",0.2/nrows) _set_text(fig,f"Longitude [deg]: {lon:.3f}",0.3/nrows) _set_text(fig,f"Latitude [deg]: {lat:.3f}",0.4/nrows) _set_text(fig,f"Index: {n+1}",0.52/nrows) _set_text(fig,f"pvalue: {pval:.2}",0.62/nrows) if nmax !=None: _set_text(fig,f"Expected number: {pval*nmax:.2}",0.72/nrows) else: _set_text(fig,f"Expected number: {pval*maxima.shape[0]:.2}",0.72/nrows,alpha=0.5) warnings.warn('The number of maxima nmax has not been introduced. Using the size of maxima instead. If this table does not cointain all the maxima in the map, the result of "Expected number" is not reliable.') _set_text(fig,f"Intensity in the map: {mapp[pixn]:.2f}",0.85/nrows) _set_text(fig,f"Std of the map: {np.std(mapp):.2f}",0.95/nrows) hp.mollview(mapp,sub=[nrows,3,3],margins=(0,0.12/nrows,0.01,0)) hp.projplot(lon,lat,'o',color='orange',lonlat=True,fillstyle='none',markersize=8) hp.gnomview(mapp,rot=(lon,lat),sub=[nrows,3,2],margins=(0.02,0.02/nrows,0.02,0.02/nrows)) return(fig,axs)