Needlets ======== In *MTNeedlet*, needlets are defined by their filtering function :math:`b ({\ell\over {B^j}})`. This is represented by a np.ndarray of dimension 1, with the values of the function for each :math:`\ell`, starting by :math:`\ell=0`. There are three types of functions regarding needlets: #. Functions to create needlets from their :math:`B` and :math:`j` parameters. #. Functions to filter a spherical map. #. Functions to visualize and compare different needlets. .. currentmodule:: needlets Needlet creation ---------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: functions standardneedlet mexicanneedlet Map filtering ------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: functions filtermap filtermap_fromalm Needlet visualization --------------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: functions plot_bl plot_blprofile