
This submodule contains utilities for the theory module.

  1'''This submodule contains utilities for the theory module.'''
  2import warnings
  3import numpy as np
  4from scipy.special import eval_hermitenorm, gamma, comb, factorial, gammainc
  5from scipy.stats import norm, multivariate_normal
  6from .base_th import _prepare_lkc
  9def get_σ(cls):
 10    """Compute the variance of a field with an angular power spectrum 'cls'.
 12    Parameters
 13    ----------
 14    cls : np.array
 15        The angular power spectrum of the Gaussian field.
 17    Returns
 18    -------
 19    σ² : float
 20        The variance of the field.
 22    """
 23    cls = np.array(cls, dtype=float)
 24     = np.arange(cls.shape[0])
 25    return np.sum(cls * (2.*+1.) / (4.*np.pi))
 28def get_μ(cls):
 29    """Compute the first derivative of the covariance function at the origin for a Gaussian field 
 30    defined on the sphere with angular power spectrum 'cls', which are normalised to unit variance.
 32    Parameters
 33    ----------
 34    cls : np.array
 35        The angular power spectrum of the Gaussian field.
 37    Returns
 38    -------
 39    μ : float
 40        The first derivative of the covariance function of a field at the origin.
 42    """
 43    cls = np.array(cls, dtype=float)
 44     = np.arange(cls.shape[0])
 45    cls /= np.sum(cls * (2.*+1.) / (4.*np.pi))
 46    μ = np.sum(cls * (2.*+1.) * *(+1.) / (8.*np.pi))
 47    return μ
 49def get_C2(cls):
 50    """Compute the second derivative of the covariance function at the origin for a Gaussian field 
 51    defined on the sphere with angular power spectrum 'cls', which are normalised to unit variance.
 53    Parameters
 54    ----------
 55    cls : np.array
 56        The angular power spectrum of the Gaussian field.
 58    Returns
 59    -------
 60    C2 : float
 61        The second derivative of the covariance function of a field at the origin.
 63    """
 64    cls = np.array(cls, dtype=float)
 65     = np.arange(cls.shape[0])
 66    cls /= np.sum(cls * (2.*+1.) / (4.*np.pi))
 67    C2 = np.sum(cls * (2.*+1.) * (-1.)**(+1.)*(+2.) / (32.*np.pi))
 68    return C2
 70def flag(kj, k):
 71    """Compute flag coefficients.
 73    Parameters
 74    ----------
 75    ki : int
 76        The upper index of the flag coefficient.
 78    k : int
 79        The lower index of the flag coefficient.
 81    Returns
 82    -------
 83    flag : float
 84        The value of the float coefficient.
 86    """
 87    assert np.all(kj>=k), 'The first argument must be larger than the second.'
 88    return comb(kj, k) * omega(kj) / (omega(k) * omega(kj-k))
 90def omega(j):
 91    """Compute the volume of the $j$—dimensional ball, $\omega_j$.
 93    Parameters
 94    ----------
 95    j : int
 96        The dimension of the ball.
 98    Returns
 99    -------
100    omega : float
101        The volume of the $j$—dimensional ball.
103    """
104    return np.pi**(j/2.) / gamma(j/2. +1.)
107def rho(k, us):
108    """Compute the density functions $\rho_k(us)$ for Gaussian fields needed for the Gaussian Kinematic Formula.
110    Parameters
111    ----------
112    k : int
113        The order of the density function.
115    us : np.array
116        The thresholds where the density function is evaluated.
118    Returns
119    -------
120    rho : np.array
121        The density function evaluated at the thresholds.
123    """
124    if k==0:
125        return 1. - norm.cdf(us)
126    else:
127        return 1. / (2. * np.pi)**(k/2.) * norm.pdf(us) * eval_hermitenorm(k-1, us)
129def rho_Chi2(k, dof, us):
130    """Compute the density functions $\rho_{k, \Chi^2}(us)$ for $\Chi^2_k$ fields (with $k$ degrees of freedom), needed for the Gaussian Kinematic Formula.
132    Parameters
133    ----------
134    k : int
135        The order of the density function.
137    dof : int
138        The degrees of freedom of the $\Chi^2$.
140    us : np.array
141        The thresholds where the density function is evaluated.
143    Returns
144    -------
145    rho : np.array
146        The density function evaluated at the thresholds.
148    """
149    if k==0:
150        return 1.- (us >= 0.) * gammainc(dof/2., us/2.)
151    else:
152        factor = (us >= 0.) * us**((dof-k)/2.) * np.exp(-us/2.) / ((2.*np.pi)**(k/2.) * gamma(dof/2.) * 2.**((dof-2)/2.))
153        summ = np.zeros_like(us)
154        for l in np.arange(0, ((k-1)//2)+1):
155            for m in np.arange(0,k-1-2*l+1):
156                summ += (dof>= k - m - 2*l) * comb(dof-1, k-1-m-2*l) * (-1)**(k-1+m+l) * factorial(k-1) / (factorial(m) * factorial(l) * 2**l ) * us**(m+l)
157        return factor*summ
159def LKC(j, us, mu, dim=None, lkc_ambient=None):
160    """Compute the expected value of the Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures (LKC) of the excursion set for Gaussian Isotropic fields.
162    Parameters
163    ----------
164    j : int
165        The index of the LKC.
167    us : np.array
168        The thresholds where the LKC is evaluated.
170    mu : float
171        The value of the derivative of the covariance function at the origin for the field.
173    dim : int, optional
174        The dimension of the ambient manifold.
176    lkc_ambient : np.array, optional
177        An array of the Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures of the ambient manifold. Its lenght must be `dim+1` if `dim` is also given.
179    Returns
180    ----------
181    LKC : np.array
182        The expected value of the Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures at the thresholds.
183    """
184    dim, lkc_ambient = _prepare_lkc(dim, lkc_ambient)
185    result = np.zeros_like(us)
186    for k in np.arange(0,dim-j+1):
187        result += flag(k+j, k) * rho(k, us) * lkc_ambient[k+j] * mu**(k/2.)
188    return result
190def LKC_Chi2(j, us, mu, dof=2, dim=None, lkc_ambient=None):
191    """Compute the expected value of the Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures (LKC) of the excursion set  for $\Chi^2_2$ fields.
193    Parameters
194    ----------
195    j : int
196        The index of the LKC.
198    us : np.array
199        The thresholds where the LKC is evaluated.
201    mu : float
202        The value of the derivative of the covariance function at the origin for the original Gaussian fields.
204    dof : int, optional
205        Number of degrees of freedom of the $\Chi^2$ field (i.e., number of squared Gaussian distributions that are summed). 
206        Default: 2.
208    dim : int, optional
209        The dimension of the ambient manifold.
211    lkc_ambient : np.array, optional
212        An array of the Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures of the ambient manifold. Its lenght must be `dim+1` if `dim` is also given.
214    Returns
215    ----------
216    LKC : np.array
217        The expected value of the Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures at the thresholds.
218    """
219    dim, lkc_ambient = _prepare_lkc(dim, lkc_ambient)
220    result = np.zeros_like(us)
221    for k in np.arange(0,dim-j+1):
222        result += flag(k+j, k) * rho_Chi2(k, dof, us) * lkc_ambient[k+j] * mu**(k/2.)
223    return result
226def egoe(dim, a, b):
227    """Compute the expected value of the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensamble, needed for the maxima distribution of Gaussian Isotropic fields.
228    Details can be found in Cheng and Schwartzman, 2015. This formula is only proven for `a>0`, although it has been hypothetised to work for `a<0` under some conditions.
230    Parameters
231    ----------
232    sim : int
233        The dimension of the space (1 ≤ dim ≤ 3)
235    a : float
236        Parameter `a` of the formula. 
238    b : float
239        Parameter `b` of the formula.
241    Returns
242    ----------
243    egoe : float
244        The expected value needed for the computation of the maxima distribution.
245    """
246    assert dim in [1, 2, 3], '`dim` must be between 1 and 3'
247    if a < 0:
248        a = a + 0.j
249        b = b + 0.j
250        warnings.warn('This formula is only proven for `a>=0`, although it has been hypothetised to work for `a<0` under some conditions. If the maxima distribution looks wrong, it could be because of this.')
251    # assert a > 0, '`a` must be positive'
252    if dim == 1:
253        return np.sqrt(4.*a+2.) * np.exp(-a*b**2./(2.*a +1.)) / (4.*a) + b*np.sqrt(np.pi/(2.*a)) * norm.cdf(b * np.sqrt(2.*a / (2.*a + 1)) )
254    if dim == 2:
255        return ( (1./a + 2.*b**2. - 1.) / np.sqrt(2.*a) * norm.cdf(b * np.sqrt(2.*a / (a + 1.))) +
256            np.sqrt((a + 1.) / (2.*np.pi)) * np.exp(-a*b**2./(a +1.)) * b / a +
257            np.sqrt(2./(2.*a+1.)) * np.exp(-a*b**2./(2.*a +1.)) * norm.cdf(a * b * np.sqrt(2. / ((2.*a + 1.)*(a + 1.))) ) )
258    if dim == 3:
259        Sigma1 = np.array([[1.5, -0.5], [-0.5, (1.+a)/(2.*a)]])
260        Sigma2 = np.array([[1.5, -1.], [-1., (1.+2.*a)/(2.*a)]])
261        term1 = (((24.*a**3. + 12.*a**2. + 6.*a + 1.) * b**2. / (2.*a * (2.*a+1)**2. ) +
262                (6.*a**2 + 3.*a +2.) / (4.*a**2. * (2.*a+1)) + 3./2.) / np.sqrt(2. * (2.*a +1.)) * 
263                np.exp(-a*b**2./(2.*a +1.)) * norm.cdf(2. * a * b * np.sqrt(2. / ((2.*a + 1.) * (2.*a +3.)) ) ) )
264        term2 = (((a+1.) * b**2. / (2.*a) + (1.-a) / (2.*a**2.) - 1.) / np.sqrt(2. * (a +1.)) *
265                np.exp(-a*b**2./(a +1.)) * norm.cdf(a * b * np.sqrt(2. / ((a + 1.) * (2.*a +3.)) ))  )
266        term3 = (6.*a + 1. + (28.*a**2. + 12.*a + 3.) / (2.*a * (2.*a+1)) * 
267                b / (2. * np.sqrt(2.*np.pi) * (2.*a+1.) * np.sqrt(2.*a +3.)) * np.exp(-3.*a*b**2./(2.*a +3.))  )
268        term4 = (b**2. + 3. * (1.-a) / (2.*a)) * np.sqrt(np.pi/2.) * b/a * (multivariate_normal.cdf([0,b], cov=Sigma1) + multivariate_normal.cdf([0,b], cov=Sigma2))
269        total = term1 + term2 + term3 + term4
270        return total
273lkc_ambient_dict = {"2D":np.array([0., 0., 1.]),
274                    "3D":np.array([0., 0., 0., 1.]),
275                    "sphere":np.array([0., 0., 4.*np.pi]),  # / (4.*np.pi),
276                    "SO3":np.array([0., 6.*np.pi, 0., 4.*np.pi**2])}  # / (4.*np.pi**2)}
277"""Dictionary with the characterization of different spaces through their Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures"""
280__all__ = ["get_μ", "flag", "omega", "rho", "rho_Chi2", "LKC", "LKC_Chi2", "lkc_ambient_dict"]
282__docformat__ = "numpy"
def get_μ(cls):
29def get_μ(cls):
30    """Compute the first derivative of the covariance function at the origin for a Gaussian field 
31    defined on the sphere with angular power spectrum 'cls', which are normalised to unit variance.
33    Parameters
34    ----------
35    cls : np.array
36        The angular power spectrum of the Gaussian field.
38    Returns
39    -------
40    μ : float
41        The first derivative of the covariance function of a field at the origin.
43    """
44    cls = np.array(cls, dtype=float)
45     = np.arange(cls.shape[0])
46    cls /= np.sum(cls * (2.*+1.) / (4.*np.pi))
47    μ = np.sum(cls * (2.*+1.) * *(+1.) / (8.*np.pi))
48    return μ

Compute the first derivative of the covariance function at the origin for a Gaussian field defined on the sphere with angular power spectrum 'cls', which are normalised to unit variance.

  • cls (np.array): The angular power spectrum of the Gaussian field.
  • μ (float): The first derivative of the covariance function of a field at the origin.
def flag(kj, k):
71def flag(kj, k):
72    """Compute flag coefficients.
74    Parameters
75    ----------
76    ki : int
77        The upper index of the flag coefficient.
79    k : int
80        The lower index of the flag coefficient.
82    Returns
83    -------
84    flag : float
85        The value of the float coefficient.
87    """
88    assert np.all(kj>=k), 'The first argument must be larger than the second.'
89    return comb(kj, k) * omega(kj) / (omega(k) * omega(kj-k))

Compute flag coefficients.

  • ki (int): The upper index of the flag coefficient.
  • k (int): The lower index of the flag coefficient.
  • flag (float): The value of the float coefficient.
def omega(j):
 91def omega(j):
 92    """Compute the volume of the $j$—dimensional ball, $\omega_j$.
 94    Parameters
 95    ----------
 96    j : int
 97        The dimension of the ball.
 99    Returns
100    -------
101    omega : float
102        The volume of the $j$—dimensional ball.
104    """
105    return np.pi**(j/2.) / gamma(j/2. +1.)

Compute the volume of the $j$—dimensional ball, $\omega_j$.

  • j (int): The dimension of the ball.
  • omega (float): The volume of the $j$—dimensional ball.
def rho(k, us):
108def rho(k, us):
109    """Compute the density functions $\rho_k(us)$ for Gaussian fields needed for the Gaussian Kinematic Formula.
111    Parameters
112    ----------
113    k : int
114        The order of the density function.
116    us : np.array
117        The thresholds where the density function is evaluated.
119    Returns
120    -------
121    rho : np.array
122        The density function evaluated at the thresholds.
124    """
125    if k==0:
126        return 1. - norm.cdf(us)
127    else:
128        return 1. / (2. * np.pi)**(k/2.) * norm.pdf(us) * eval_hermitenorm(k-1, us)

Compute the density functions $ ho_k(us)$ for Gaussian fields needed for the Gaussian Kinematic Formula.

  • k (int): The order of the density function.
  • us (np.array): The thresholds where the density function is evaluated.
  • rho (np.array): The density function evaluated at the thresholds.
def rho_Chi2(k, dof, us):
130def rho_Chi2(k, dof, us):
131    """Compute the density functions $\rho_{k, \Chi^2}(us)$ for $\Chi^2_k$ fields (with $k$ degrees of freedom), needed for the Gaussian Kinematic Formula.
133    Parameters
134    ----------
135    k : int
136        The order of the density function.
138    dof : int
139        The degrees of freedom of the $\Chi^2$.
141    us : np.array
142        The thresholds where the density function is evaluated.
144    Returns
145    -------
146    rho : np.array
147        The density function evaluated at the thresholds.
149    """
150    if k==0:
151        return 1.- (us >= 0.) * gammainc(dof/2., us/2.)
152    else:
153        factor = (us >= 0.) * us**((dof-k)/2.) * np.exp(-us/2.) / ((2.*np.pi)**(k/2.) * gamma(dof/2.) * 2.**((dof-2)/2.))
154        summ = np.zeros_like(us)
155        for l in np.arange(0, ((k-1)//2)+1):
156            for m in np.arange(0,k-1-2*l+1):
157                summ += (dof>= k - m - 2*l) * comb(dof-1, k-1-m-2*l) * (-1)**(k-1+m+l) * factorial(k-1) / (factorial(m) * factorial(l) * 2**l ) * us**(m+l)
158        return factor*summ

Compute the density functions $ ho_{k, \Chi^2}(us)$ for $\Chi^2_k$ fields (with $k$ degrees of freedom), needed for the Gaussian Kinematic Formula.

  • k (int): The order of the density function.
  • dof (int): The degrees of freedom of the $\Chi^2$.
  • us (np.array): The thresholds where the density function is evaluated.
  • rho (np.array): The density function evaluated at the thresholds.
def LKC(j, us, mu, dim=None, lkc_ambient=None):
160def LKC(j, us, mu, dim=None, lkc_ambient=None):
161    """Compute the expected value of the Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures (LKC) of the excursion set for Gaussian Isotropic fields.
163    Parameters
164    ----------
165    j : int
166        The index of the LKC.
168    us : np.array
169        The thresholds where the LKC is evaluated.
171    mu : float
172        The value of the derivative of the covariance function at the origin for the field.
174    dim : int, optional
175        The dimension of the ambient manifold.
177    lkc_ambient : np.array, optional
178        An array of the Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures of the ambient manifold. Its lenght must be `dim+1` if `dim` is also given.
180    Returns
181    ----------
182    LKC : np.array
183        The expected value of the Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures at the thresholds.
184    """
185    dim, lkc_ambient = _prepare_lkc(dim, lkc_ambient)
186    result = np.zeros_like(us)
187    for k in np.arange(0,dim-j+1):
188        result += flag(k+j, k) * rho(k, us) * lkc_ambient[k+j] * mu**(k/2.)
189    return result

Compute the expected value of the Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures (LKC) of the excursion set for Gaussian Isotropic fields.

  • j (int): The index of the LKC.
  • us (np.array): The thresholds where the LKC is evaluated.
  • mu (float): The value of the derivative of the covariance function at the origin for the field.
  • dim (int, optional): The dimension of the ambient manifold.
  • lkc_ambient (np.array, optional): An array of the Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures of the ambient manifold. Its lenght must be dim+1 if dim is also given.
  • LKC (np.array): The expected value of the Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures at the thresholds.
def LKC_Chi2(j, us, mu, dof=2, dim=None, lkc_ambient=None):
191def LKC_Chi2(j, us, mu, dof=2, dim=None, lkc_ambient=None):
192    """Compute the expected value of the Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures (LKC) of the excursion set  for $\Chi^2_2$ fields.
194    Parameters
195    ----------
196    j : int
197        The index of the LKC.
199    us : np.array
200        The thresholds where the LKC is evaluated.
202    mu : float
203        The value of the derivative of the covariance function at the origin for the original Gaussian fields.
205    dof : int, optional
206        Number of degrees of freedom of the $\Chi^2$ field (i.e., number of squared Gaussian distributions that are summed). 
207        Default: 2.
209    dim : int, optional
210        The dimension of the ambient manifold.
212    lkc_ambient : np.array, optional
213        An array of the Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures of the ambient manifold. Its lenght must be `dim+1` if `dim` is also given.
215    Returns
216    ----------
217    LKC : np.array
218        The expected value of the Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures at the thresholds.
219    """
220    dim, lkc_ambient = _prepare_lkc(dim, lkc_ambient)
221    result = np.zeros_like(us)
222    for k in np.arange(0,dim-j+1):
223        result += flag(k+j, k) * rho_Chi2(k, dof, us) * lkc_ambient[k+j] * mu**(k/2.)
224    return result

Compute the expected value of the Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures (LKC) of the excursion set for $\Chi^2_2$ fields.

  • j (int): The index of the LKC.
  • us (np.array): The thresholds where the LKC is evaluated.
  • mu (float): The value of the derivative of the covariance function at the origin for the original Gaussian fields.
  • dof (int, optional): Number of degrees of freedom of the $\Chi^2$ field (i.e., number of squared Gaussian distributions that are summed). Default: 2.
  • dim (int, optional): The dimension of the ambient manifold.
  • lkc_ambient (np.array, optional): An array of the Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures of the ambient manifold. Its lenght must be dim+1 if dim is also given.
  • LKC (np.array): The expected value of the Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures at the thresholds.
lkc_ambient_dict = {'2D': array([0., 0., 1.]), '3D': array([0., 0., 0., 1.]), 'sphere': array([ 0. , 0. , 12.56637061]), 'SO3': array([ 0. , 18.84955592, 0. , 39.4784176 ])}

Dictionary with the characterization of different spaces through their Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures